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hand reaching out to adjust thermostat on cream colored wall

When Should You Replace Your Old HVAC Thermostat?

Replacing your HVAC thermostat can save you money on energy bills. But how do you know it’s time to replace it? Here are tell-tale signs that you need a new HVAC thermostat in your Clinton, TN, home:

Frequent HVAC Thermostat Repairs

Due to minimal wear and tear, most HVAC thermostats need repairs less than once a year. If your thermostat is constantly in need of repairs, you should consider replacing it.

Heating and Cooling Issues

A faulty thermostat has issues keeping your home comfortable. Are you trying to lower the temperature but can’t maintain it? It’s time to schedule maintenance or replace it. Are you cooling inside the house, but the thermostat says the temperature is 80 degrees? The inaccurate temperature reading is another sign of a malfunctioning HVAC thermostat.

Your HVAC Thermostat Is Older Than 10 Years

Thermostats have an average lifespan of 10 years. Beyond this age, your thermostat becomes less reliable, inefficient and more prone to issues. It may start having problems that aren’t easily delectable, costing your energy bills over time.

High Energy Bills

If your experience unusually high energy bills, sometimes the culprit isn’t the power company. A malfunctioning thermostat can keep your system on longer than you need, skyrocketing your utility bills. Consider replacing it with a programmable thermostat.


Short-cycling happens when your HVAC system doesn’t complete the cooling and heating cycle fully. If your system keeps on short-cycling, it’s time to replace the thermostat. Short-cycling can minimize the lifespan of your HVAC system.

It pays to prepare for winter, and a thermostat with issues won’t cut it. Contact Melton Heating and Air Conditioning today and let our professional service technicians inspect your thermostat and the rest of the HVAC system. We’ll ensure every part of your heater or air conditioner works smoothly.

Image provided by iStock

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