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How HVAC Energy Efficiency Affects Your Comfort

Cooler weather has come to Knoxville, Tennessee, which means you need your furnace to keep you cozy. How can you stay comfortable without paying an arm and a leg? The key is to improve your HVAC’s energy efficiency. Improving your system’s energy efficiency will enable it to provide more reliable and affordable comfort.

How Does HVAC Efficiency Affect Comfort?

Your HVAC system’s energy efficiency will determine its ability to maintain comfort in your living space. The more strain your system experiences, the less efficiently it will operate and the more it will struggle to maintain a comfortable temperature. You may, for instance, unintentionally strain your system by using your thermostat inefficiently. The further your thermostat programming is from the temperature outside, the more your system will struggle and the more its efficiency will drop. As that efficiency drops, your system will be less capable of keeping your home cozy.

Your HVAC’s efficiency can also affect comfort by how it regulates indoor air quality. If your unit is running efficiently, it will effectively move air through your home and filter pollutants out of your living space.

How Can You Improve Your HVAC Efficiency?

The key to improving your energy efficiency and comfort is to take some of that strain off your HVAC system. Improving energy efficiency starts with your habits. You can help your system by adjusting your thermostat programming. This winter, keep your home around 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you’re home, and reduce that temperature while you’re away. In addition to making your habits more energy-efficient, schedule professional HVAC maintenance. Professional HVAC care will catch issues you may not notice.

Maintain high energy efficiency in your home, and you’ll not only reduce your utility bills and your carbon footprint, but you’ll also increase your comfort. To improve HVAC efficiency with professional maintenance, call Melton Heating and Air Conditioning at 865-210-8942.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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