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Heat Pump Collection

Should I Replace or Repair My Heat Pump in Knoxville, TN?

A residential heat pump can deliver consistent temperature control for up to 15 years. However, as the system ages, it can start running inefficiently and need constant repairs. Here’s how you can figure out whether you need heat pump repairs or a replacement installation in Knoxville, TN.

Age of the Heat Pump

While scheduling routine maintenance every year will extend your heat pump’s lifespan, your system will still eventually need replacing. If your heat pump needs frequent or major repairs after only a decade, it may be better to invest in a new system. These issues will only worsen over time and cost you more to fix in the long run.

Energy Efficiency Rating

Older systems often aren’t as efficient as newer models. Trying to keep your outdated heat pump going could ultimately leave you with higher monthly energy bills. Consider a replacement if your system can’t perform efficiently even after repairs or tuneups.

Frequency of Service Needs

A healthy heat pump shouldn’t regularly need professional repairs. If your system can’t meet your family’s comfort needs or frequently breaks down, it’s likely more cost-effective to replace it. New heat pump systems don’t need extensive repairs or expensive upkeep.

$5,000 Rule

An easy way to determine if you should opt for repairs or replacement is to multiply your system’s age by the cost of its needed service. If this total is over $5,000, you may be better off scheduling an installation, but your service technicians can help guide your decision. Your HVAC repair bills will only grow larger as your system ages.

Trying to keep an old system running until it completely breaks down isn’t the best way to save money. You’re likely to save more by choosing a modern, energy-efficient system that has a new warranty and fewer service concerns. Call Melton Heating and Air to request an HVAC installation in Knoxville, TN.

Image provided by iStock

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