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Air Purifiers

5 Differences Between Air Cleaners & Purifiers in Lenoir City, TN

The EPA ranks indoor air pollution among the top five environmental threats to health. Therefore, many households in Lenoir City, TN, are concerned about the quality of their air. As a homeowner, you should know the differences between air cleaners and air purifiers to make an informed choice regarding your home’s air quality.

Air Cleaners

These are systems created to eliminate dust, pollen and pet dander from the air. While they may successfully reduce visible airborne particles, they may not necessarily take care of gaseous pollutants or any form of smell whatsoever.

Air Purifiers

Air purifiers, on the other hand, can remove gaseous pollutants like smoke, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odors from the air. In most cases, these systems use sophisticated technologies like activated carbon filters, ultraviolet light (UV) and ionizers to get rid of such pollutants.

Filter Capabilities

Air cleaners usually use HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters that can eliminate up to 99.97% of airborne particles. Air purifiers, however, can combine these filters with carbon filters to target specific pollutants.

Coverage Area

You must consider the coverage area when selecting a suitable air cleaner or purifier. While air cleaners are generally made for small spaces, air purifiers often cover wider areas. This makes them ideal for anyone looking for entire whole-home systems.

Maintenance and Cost

Initially, air cleaners tend to be cheaper. But over time, the cost of filter replacements may become costly. On the other hand, air purifiers might have more sophisticated technologies and require less frequent filter changes although they might be expensive at first.

We understand the value of clean, healthy indoor air for Lenoir City, TN, citizens. Contact Melton Heating and Air Conditioning today so that our experts can examine your specific needs and suggest the right solutions for improving your indoor air quality.

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