Furnaces 101 Written On Chalkboard

5 Sounds You Don’t Want to Hear from Your Furnace This Fall

It’s normal for your furnace to produce some sounds. However, Clinton, TN, residents need to understand that all sounds are normal. If you hear the following sounds, it’s time to contact an HVAC technician.

1. Squealing

Over time, the lubrication on the motor dries out, creating a high-pitched screeching sound. This sound may also result from a loose fan belt or the blade casing of the furnace. In other instances, the noise signifies problems with the motor bearings.

It’s worth noting that the application of the wrong lubricant may lead to further problems. Contact an HVAC professional for diagnosis and advice.

2. Humming

Generally, the humming sound is never that serious, but it may lead to more severe problems if ignored. A humming noise from your AC system signifies something is wrong with the fan or capacitor. At times, the noise is a result of electrical issues in the system.

3. Clanking

The common cause for clanking is a loose, broken or disconnected blower. Another reason could be the misaligned blower fan blades. When you have a cracked or damaged fan belt, it rattles against the housing, causing the clanking sound.

Another culprit for the clanking noise is a loose compressor. If you hear a clanking sound, turn off your furnace and seek a technician for urgent repairs.

4. Banging

It’s hard to ignore the banging or boom sound from your furnace. The noise is a result of dirt accumulation on the burners and heat exchangers. It also signifies inadequate sized ductwork, delays in ignition or wrong placement of the dampers.

A banging sound may signify that your compressor needs replacement. Fortunately, HVAC professionals have solutions to correct this problem.

5. Hissing

You must never ignore a hissing sound coming from your furnace. It’s a sign there’s a fuel leak that can cause a fire or health complications. If you notice the sound, turn off the heating system and contact an HVAC technician immediately.

Don’t ignore any of the above sounds. For professional AC repairs and installation, contact Melton Heating and Air Conditioning today.

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